65 ‘Standard American’ Bidding Practice Hands

These practice hands are constructed so that if you bid correctly and have applied the the rules you should make your contract. They are graduated with the earlier games being easier gradually increasing in complexity.

  • Members Only Lessons
    Competitive Bidding Practice Hands
    1b. Responding to your partner’s overcall – What to Bid when your partner overcalls
    2d. Support Doubles
  1. Overcalling -when the opposition have opened the bidding
  2. Intermediate Level Overcalls

Play of The Cards Practice Hands
(Members Only)
2h. Card Play -Should I finesse or play for ‘The Drop’

  1. Counting Your Winning Tricks – In No Trump Contracts
  2. Count your losing tricks – In a suit contract
  3. Planning the play of your hand – In No Trumps
  4. Ruffing and trump suits
  5. Leading up to your Honor Cards
  6. Card counting
  7. Establishing small cards
  8. Play the Honor From the Short Hand First
  9. Ruffing
  10. Entries
  11. Ducking
  12. The Finesse
  13. Playing for the Queen of a suit to Drop
  14. Discovery Plays
  15. Odds of your lead being ruffed v.s. cards out
  16. Squeeze plays
    Click on title to play the Practice Hands from the Lessons
    2a. Openers first bid- In 1H you can make 9 tricks – try it yourself!
    2b. Opening 1NT -see if you can make 12 tricks !
    2c. Open a Preferred Minor or Lower ranking of 2 four card suits
    3a. Responding to Partner’s Opening Bid – Showing Preference
    3b. Responders Bid with suit support for partner
    3b.i. Responding to Partner’s opening bid with 4 card support
    3c. Responding NoTrumps to partners opening suit bid
    3d. Responder Raises a NoTrump Opening Bid
    3e. Responder uses Stayman and asks about openers major suit holdings after a 1NT opening bid
    4a. Openers Rebid in a Suit
    4a.i. Opener bids twice – Partner shows preference for their suit
    4b. Openers NoTrump Rebid
    4e. Weak responses to Partner’s 1NT opening
    5a. Responding to Openers NoTrump Rebid
    5b. Responding to Opener’s Rebid in a Suit
    5c. Stopping in Part Game – How do I know when to stop bidding?
    6a. Bidding to Game
    6b. Which Game is it best to be in
    6c.a. Practice playing when all seats are vulnerable (Vul)
    6c.b. Practice when All Seats are Not Vul.
    6c.c. Practice playing when North-South are Vul. and East-West are Not Vul.
    6c.d. The opposition double you – an exciting game: N-S = Not Vulnerable E-W=Vulnerable
    7b. Negative Responses to Partners opening 2C bid
    7c. Responding Positively to an Opening Strong Club bid
    7b. Weak two bids
    9a. To pre-empt or not to preempt
    9b. Weak Two PreEmptive Bids
    2d. Part game contracts
  17. Responding with a medium hand 10-12 points
  18. Responder has a strong hand (13+ points)
  19. Strong 2 Clubs Opening Bid
  20. Responding to a strong 2NT opening bid
  21. Responding to a 2 opening bid
  22. Weak Freak 3
  23. Four level opening bids
  24. Preemptive bidding from both sides
  25. Responding to a 3 level opening bid
  26. Weak 2 Pre-empts
  27. 3 Level Opening Bids
  28. Opening at the 4 level
  29. Responding to a 3 level pre-empt
    Bridge Conventions
    3e. Responder uses Stayman and asks about openers major suit holdings after a 1NT opening bid
    5A. Practice Jacoby Transfers