This quiz is the last Bridge lesson in the Beginners section and is designed to show you your knowledge so you can begin learning Bridge bidding.
This is also the first of the Standard American bidding lessons in the Junior section. If you live in the UK, Ireland, Australia or New Zealand, then you will want the Acol Bidding lessons as that is the standard bidding system in those countries.
If you cannot answer these questions then start with our Beginner Bridge Lessons.
Check your Hand Evaluation knowledge
Check your understanding of how to evaluate your hand in Bridge. Some of the questions have more than one correct answer – as you select an answer you will receive instant feedback on your choice
1. Select all the Major Suits. Clubs NoTrumps Hearts Spades Diamonds |
2. Select the lowest ranked Suit from the options below Diamonds NoTrumps Spades Clubs Hearts |
3. How many Total Points (TP) in the hand below? (Note: You have not found a fit with your partner) |
4. 1 Spade is a higher bid than 1NT. True False |
5. You and your partner have found a fit in Hearts – what are the DPs’ of the hand below? |
6. Select the Minor Suits from the following options. NoTrumps Clubs Spades Hearts Diamonds |
7. Select the highest ranked suit. Clubs Hearts Diamonds Spades NoTrumps |
8. What is the High Card Point (HCP) count for the hand below. 0 6 3 11 |
9. Select the highest bid you can make from the choices below. 1 Spade 1 Club 1 Diamond 1 NoTrump 1 Heart |
10. Choose the correct Distribution Points (DP) for the hand below (Note: Your partner has not bid) |