Bridge Suit Order

During the bidding of a hand of bridge, players can’t make a bid unless their bid is higher than the previous bid. When you play Bridge, two factors determine whether your bid is legal – the suit you’re bidding and how many tricks you’re bidding for in that suit.

What is the highest suit in Bridge?

  • ♠Spades
  • ♥Hearts
  • ♦Diamonds
  • ♣Clubs

The suits are listed above in descending order: NoTrumps (NT) is the highest, but is not a suit: Spades is the highest ranking suit in Bridge, followed by hearts, then by diamonds, and the lowest ranking suit is clubsThe importance of suit rank is to do with winning the bidding for a contract and it is used to decide which bids take precedence over others. Succeeding bids must be at a higher level . Spades is the highest ranking suit followed by Hearts next Diamonds and the lowest ranked suit is Clubs.
All bids after the opening bid have to be of a higher ranking suit, or a higher level. For example, a bid of 1 Club (1C) is superseded by a bid of 1 Diamond (1D) or 1 Heart (1H) or 1 Spade (1S) or 1 No Trump (1NT); equally, a bid of 2D is superseded by 2H or 2S or 2NT; and so on. 2C is higher than 1H: a lower ranking suit has to be bid at a higher level. The auction ends after 3 passes (you cannot re-enter the bidding)
To bid a minor suit you should have at least four cards in that suit, to rebid it you need five cards.

Lowest Bid
Highest 1 level bid
Highest Bid

Table 1. The rank order of Bridge suits ,  The lowest bid 1C is on the left top corner  across to the highest bid at the 1 level, then down to 2C  with the highest bid being 7NT in the right hand bottom corner

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