Tricks To Make Your Contract

Bridge is a trick-taking game and is a card game in which playing the trick is based on 13 rounds of play, each called tricks, which has a winner or “taker” of that trick. When all cards have been played, the number  of the tricks won by each pair is counted for scoring. The winner of a trick is the one who plays the highest-ranked card of the suit led, unless another player has trumped it.

This is a ‘lite’ version of the lessons available to members. Our full interactive lessons include in inbuilt Bridge term glossary, instant quiz to test your knowledge and multiple practice hands to play on each subject. Our members area also delivers a new Hand of the Day lesson each day, daily Bridge competitions and unlimited random practice hands to play.

I’ve won the contract – how many tricks do I have to win?

Counting Tricks you need to make when you play a contract

The Book is a term which refers to the first six tricks that must always be won by the declaring side if they are to gain a score. The first six “book” tricks must be won and are not calculated in the scoring. A contract at the 1-level means the declarer (player) must win at least 7 tricks (that is, the book = 6 + 1) tricks. Extra points are awarded only for the extra tricks above the book.

BidBid+ The Book= Tricks to Win
1 NoTrump,or1♠or1♥or1♦or1♣1+ 6 tricks=7 tricks
2 NoTrumpor2♠or2♥or2♦or2♣2+ 6 tricks=8 tricks
3 NoTrumpor3♠or3♥or3♦or3♣3+ 6 tricks=9 tricks
4 NoTrumpor4♠or4♥or4♦or4♣4+ 6 tricks=10 tricks
5 NoTrumpor5♠or5♥or5♦or5♣5+ 6 tricks=11 tricks
6 NoTrumpor6♠or6♥or6♦or6♣6+ 6 tricks=12 tricks
7 NoTrumpor7♠or7♥or7♦or7♣7+ 6 tricks=13 tricks


Scoring is based on the number of tricks a player or partnership has won and the value of that contract for example a No-trump contract scores more points at the same Level than a major suit contract and a major suit contract scores more points than a minor suit contract.  
The scoring is different depending on whether you won, or didn’t win, the number of tricks your bid promised. See our Bridge Scoring Table (for when you achieved your contract) and our Undertrick Bridge Score Table for when you did not. Both tables are printable so you can use them in real-life Bridge games.

The 60SecondBridge website is divided into two sections, our ‘Public Lessons’ and our ‘Members Only’ section. The table below outlines the differences between the two areas.


‘Members Area’ lessons include inline glossaries for bridge terms, ‘test your knowledge’ instant quizzes and multiple practice hands for each lesson (see video below).
Our members-only lessons are a much faster and more effective method of learning Bridge.

PUBLIC LESSONS (text only)

Our public lessons are text and some images, they are not interactive and generally do not include practice hands. See the members area for a more effective method of learning bridge.

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60SecondBridge Members-Only Content

60SecondBridge members please login to access all lessons and Bridge games.

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